The Most Common Plastering Mistakes And Accidents

Airborne Irritants

Plastering is a perennially popular home improvement task, but many people are unaware of the common mistakes and potential accidents that can occur. Whether you’re a professional plasterer or a DIY enthusiast, it is important to understand these mistakes and how to avoid them. Here, we’ll look at the most common plastering mistakes and accidents and what to do if they happen.

One of the most common issues when plastering is the risk of inhaling airborne irritants. The dust created from sanding, sawing and mixing dry plaster can be extremely damaging if breathed in, leading to coughing and sneezing, as well as watery eyes and throat irritation. These problems are easily avoided by wearing a dust mask and goggles when plastering, and using a damp sponge to wipe down surfaces when finished. Regularly opening windows and using fans to maintain a flow of fresh air can also be helpful.

Using the Wrong Type of Material

Another mistake to avoid is using the wrong type of material for the job. Different plasters require different types of preparation, and although a lot of man-made materials such as ready-mixed and dry plaster do not require specialist tools or techniques, they still need to be applied correctly. When choosing the right type of plaster material, consider the strength of the joint, coverage area and the final finish you are looking to achieve. This will ensure that you have the best product for the job and save time and money in the long run.

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Incorrect Removal of Old Plaster

One of the less obvious mistakes of plastering is the incorrect removal of old plaster. It is important to take extra care when removing plaster, as this can cause damage or even structural failure. A common mistake is to use heavy hand tools to scrape the plaster off surfaces. This can cause weak spots on walls, as well as potential electrical faults due to incorrectly wired cables and connections. Therefore, it is essential to properly assess the condition and state of existing plaster before starting any work.

Use of Out Of Date Plaster

Using an out-of-date plaster is another problem to be aware of when plastering. Most plaster mixes last between three to six months after opening; beyond that point, their pliability and smoothness decrease greatly, making them more difficult to apply correctly. It is therefore important to check the expiry date of any plaster mix before starting work and to replace anything that is past its best-before date.

Always Choose A Professional Plasterer

Finally, while DIY tasks tend to be cheaper than seeking professional help, it is always best to opt for a professional plasterer to ensure safety and accuracy. It can be tempting to take on a technical task without a professional’s assistance, especially when costs are a concern, but mistakes can be both costly and slow to repair. When hiring a professional plasterer, be sure to read references, check qualifications and always get a written contract specifying the required work in detail.

In conclusion, there are a number of common mistakes and accidents associated with plastering, but all of these can be avoided with careful preparation, the correct application of materials and the use of a professional plasterer. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your plastering work is both safe and successful.

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