Type of Soil
Building foundations are an essential part of any construction. Building regulations must be adhered to, and while there is some flexibility, the regulations should be taken seriously. There are a number of different regulations which must be considered when it comes to building foundations. This article looks at the different regulations which should be considered before embarking on a new project.
The type of soil the building will be built on must be known before the foundations can be laid. Different types of soil have different characteristics and levels of compaction. This information must be taken into account when deciding on the type of foundation which should be installed. The Planning Portal recommends that, wherever possible, a specialist soil engineer should be consulted to determine the suitability of the soil for a particular type of foundation.
Trees are often overlooked when considering the foundations of a building. While trees may appear to be far away from the proposed construction site, they can have an impact on the stability of a building's foundations. Trees are living organisms and can grow and expand over time, making any foundations near them unstable. It is recommended that a tree survey is carried out prior to any building foundations being built, to ensure that the foundations are not adversely affected by the presence of trees.

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Any adjacent structures must be considered when constructing new foundations. Adjacent structures may put additional pressure or strain on the new foundations, which could cause them to become unstable or subside over time. It is important that any adjacent structures are included in the building plan and their effects on the foundations are taken into consideration when designing the new foundations.
Size and Construction of New Building
The size and construction of the new building must also be taken into account when laying the foundations. The foundations must be suitable for the size of the new building, and the materials that will be used in construction must be taken into account when designing the foundations. The Planning Portal recommends that the foundations should be designed to take into account the effects of wind, ground movement and other factors which could affect the integrity of the foundations.
Drains and Sewers
Finally, drains and sewers must be taken into account when laying the foundations. Drains and sewers can cause problems such as subsidence if they are not properly maintained or managed. It is important that the foundations are designed to take into account the potential effects of nearby drains and sewers. It is also recommended that any existing drains or sewers be inspected and serviced prior to beginning construction, to ensure that they do not cause any disruption during the build.
In conclusion, there are a number of regulations which must be considered when undertaking the construction of a new building's foundations. By taking into account the type of soil, the presence of any trees, adjacent structures, the size and construction of the new building and any drains or sewers, it will be possible to create a strong and stable foundation for the new building.
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